Thursday, February 4, 2010

Wall Photos

For my wall, the design principle on which I focused most was skeletal vs. mass. The masses are two solid "L" shapes, and the skeletal panels are composed of smaller, overlapping "L"s. The two walls align with the trees, each other, and the other buildings that surround the courtyard. My goal was to create something simple and elegant, but at the same time intricate and detailed enough to sustain interest.

My habitable space features translucent glass flanked by two panels with transparent openings. This arrangement creates a playful pattern of light and a bright, welcoming corner where one can look outward, towards the courtyard, or inward, towards the interior trees.

Finally, the wall has three different thicknesses which add to the variety in a subtle way. I was pleased with the interaction of the three materials in my final model, because I think they go well with the context and create a sense of harmony with the wall's surroundings.

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